Friday, March 13, 2009


The Kepler observatory was launched into space the other day. I can't tell you how awesomely cool I think it's mission is: to find Earth-like planets circling other stars.

What confuses me though, is how it works. I mean, I get the idea - examine stars looking for telltale dimming as planets pass in front of it. But something that no one talks about is the fact that this only works if we are in the same plane as the planets of the observed solar system. Seems like that would be a very rare thing.

What am I missing? Seriously?

The other method of detection is watching for stars to wobble as the star and it's planets revolve around their common center of gravity. Seems to me like this is the way to go... it works no matter where we are in relation to the plane of the observed system.

I'm thinking that this sort of thing is probably why I'm not a scientist.

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