Saturday, October 2, 2010

Passive Aggressive... I Thought I Was The Only One!

I knew Facebook was a bad idea.  I just knew it, but I got sucked in.  Friends, actual and virtual, all conveniently placed on a single page where I could keep an eye on them.  Cute little games that start out fun but endlessly pepper you with updates and attempted monetization.

Stupidly, I guess it didn't occur to me that my friends were keeping an eye on me too.  Every utterance, every like, every dislike, every opinion is right out there where any-damn-body can feel free to comment, can twitch to whatever nerve I might tickle.  Not only that, but I am subject to every snide, crude remark anybody feels like making.  I am forced to listen to someone that *gag* "likes" Sarah Palin.  I do not thrive in that kind of environment.

Feeling all comfortable and easy-like, I comment on someone, a virtual friend's, post.  That comment gets broadcast to all of my real friends.  Some nerve gets tugged and now I'm in the middle of a ridiculous passive-aggressive dance-by-proxy.

The question is whether I abandon Facebook completely, with all the questions and potential recriminations that would entail, or just ignore what's going on, acting blissfully unaware of the ludicrous undercurrents around me.  I actually was blissfully unaware for about a week... I could stay on that road, but I don't think the parties involved are going to buy it.

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